Master Photoshop: Shortcuts and Hotkeys Every Beginner Should Know

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keyboard with colorful shortcuts
(Image: Colorful keycaps!)

get it, the software can feel like a labyrinth when you're starting out. But guess what? Knowing the right shortcuts and hotkeys can be your map to navigate this maze. Let's expand our list of essential shortcuts and hotkeys that every Photoshop beginner should have up their sleeve

Table of Contents

General Shortcuts

Close File: Cmd + W (Mac) / Ctrl + W (Windows)

Done with a file and want to close it quickly? This shortcut has you covered.

Quit Photoshop: Cmd + Q (Mac) / Ctrl + Q (Windows)

When you're done for the day, use this to quit Photoshop.

Zoom In: Cmd + + (Mac) / Ctrl + + (Windows)

Need a closer look? Zoom in with this shortcut.

Zoom Out: Cmd + - (Mac) / Ctrl + - (Windows)

Zoomed in too much? Use this to zoom out.

Editing Shortcuts

Cut: Cmd + X (Mac) / Ctrl + X (Windows)

Want to cut a selection or layer? This is your shortcut.

Transform: Cmd + T (Mac) / Ctrl + T (Windows)

Need to scale, rotate, or skew? Use this to transform your selection.

Fill: Alt + Backspace (Mac) / Alt + Backspace (Windows)

Quickly fill a selection with your foreground color.

Eyedropper Tool: I

Pick a color from your canvas quickly with the Eyedropper tool.

Layer Shortcuts

Duplicate Layer: Cmd + J (Mac) / Ctrl + J (Windows)

Want to duplicate a layer? This shortcut is a lifesaver.

Hide Layer: Cmd + , (Mac) / Ctrl + , (Windows)

Need to temporarily hide a layer? Use this.

Layer Opacity: Number Keys

Press 1 for 10%, 2 for 20%, and so on, to quickly change the layer opacity.

Group Layers: Cmd + G (Mac) / Ctrl + G (Windows)

Organize your layers by grouping them with this shortcut.

Selection Shortcuts

Magic Wand: W

Quickly select similar areas with the Magic Wand tool.

Lasso Tool: L

Use the Lasso tool to make custom selections.

Move Selection: Spacebar

Hold the Spacebar while drawing a selection to move it around.

Feather Selection: Shift + F6

Soften the edges of your selection with the Feather command.

Final Thoughts

Alright, now you're armed with an even more extensive list of Photoshop shortcuts and hotkeys. These are not just time-savers; they're workflow game-changers. Whether you're cropping, transforming, or layering, these shortcuts will make your life easier and your projects better. So go ahead, practice them, and become the Photoshop wizard you were meant to be.

Tae is the founder of, a seasoned software engineer, and a military veteran, blending his experience in technology with a background in national defense. His passion resides at the nexus of creativity and cutting-edge software solutions. His goal is to provide readers with in-depth analysis, reviews, and informed perspectives on the dynamic world of software, always with an eye towards the future.

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