10 Must-Have Plugins for Adobe Illustrator in 2023

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or professionals in the design industry, Adobe Illustrator is an indispensable tool. However, even with its extensive capabilities, there are instances where additional functionalities could enhance your workflow. In this article, we delve into ten essential plugins that can elevate your Adobe Illustrator experience in 2023.

Table of Contents

1. Easy Illustrator Tools

Easy Illustrator Tools is an add-on that simplifies some of the most frequently used actions in Illustrator. For instance, it allows you to outline strokes with a single click, a task that usually requires multiple steps. The plugin also offers quick export options, making it easier to save your designs in various formats. While it doesn't offer a plethora of features, it focuses on making life easier for Illustrator users.

2. AutoSaviour

AutoSaviour is a free plugin that automatically saves your work and creates backups of your files. It even has a panel that shows you the last time you saved your file and a countdown for the next save. This plugin is invaluable for those who have experienced the pain of losing work due to software crashes.

3. Super Magic Eraser

Super Magic Eraser is a handy tool that cuts and deletes objects outside the artboard without affecting the object or its colors. This is particularly useful for those who work with complex designs that extend beyond the artboard.

4. Pantone Connect

Pantone Connect allows you to access over 15,000 essential brand, print, fashion, and packaging colors right within Illustrator. It's packed with tools for color extraction, matching, and secure storage of custom palettes. While the plugin is free, a premium subscription offers extra tools for $14.99/month.

5. Free Stock Search

Free Stock Search is a plugin that expands your options for accessing free stock images within Illustrator. It allows you to search on unsplash.com, pixabay.com, and pexels.com for free stock photos, providing more flexibility when you need to incorporate images into your designs.

6. Astute Graphics Illustrator Plugin Bundle

Astute Graphics offers a bundle of plugins recommended by top designers. The bundle includes plugins like DynamicSketch for intuitive vector sketching and VectorFirstAid for cleaning up vector documents. Priced at $119/year, this bundle is a comprehensive solution for Illustrator users.

7. MirrorMe

For those who love creating symmetrical designs or patterns, MirrorMe is a godsend. This plugin saves you a ton of time by mirroring your artwork instantly. However, it's specialized for mirroring and doesn't offer other transformation options.

8. ColliderScribe

ColliderScribe is perfect for those who need to align shapes with pinpoint accuracy. It simplifies object arrangement and spacing, although some of its functionalities may overlap with Illustrator's native align tools.

9. WidthScribe

If you're looking to add more flair to your line work, WidthScribe is a must. This plugin allows for variable width strokes, giving you unprecedented control over line thickness. But be warned, mastering the controls may take a bit of time.

10. DynamicSketch

DynamicSketch allows you to draw more naturally and intuitively in Adobe Illustrator. It responds to the pressure and angle of your stylus, making it ideal for creating organic shapes and designs.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the plugins highlighted in this article are indispensable tools for enhancing the capabilities of Adobe Illustrator. They offer unique functionalities that can streamline your design process, making them highly recommended for professionals looking to optimize their workflow.

Tae is the founder of digitalSlack.com, a seasoned software engineer, and a military veteran, blending his experience in technology with a background in national defense. His passion resides at the nexus of creativity and cutting-edge software solutions. His goal is to provide readers with in-depth analysis, reviews, and informed perspectives on the dynamic world of software, always with an eye towards the future.

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